Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Facebook Options Fix: Wondering why you are seeing the same people all the time?

Do you get the feeling that you are missing out on updates on your Facebook news feed? Wondering why you are seeing the same people over and over again? You may need to check your options settings to resolve this “issue”.

What is happening is by default Facebook now have your update settings to show “Friends and pages you interact with most”, this means you are not getting updates from some friends and pages you have chosen to friend or follow. It means too, if they are unaware of this, they are also not getting your updates.

The unfortunate effect of this is many people are unaware of this, they have chosen to get your information by liking your business page or friending profile and are blissfully unaware of your updates as a result. You may want to direct them to this post to get this sorted, and you back on their radar again.

Here’s the 3 step fix:

1)  Go to your Facebook “Home” page and select “Most recent” at the upper right of your page.

2)  Click on the drop down menu (the little arrow next to “Most recent”) and select “Edit options”.

3)  Change setting to “all your friends and pages” in the “Show posts from” section and select save.

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